Principal Investigator

Dr. Shafayet Ahmed

(Office Location - G236 Floyd Hall)
Lab Director & Faculty

-Ph.D in Civil Engineering, Oregon State University, 2021
-MS in Environmental Engineering, Idaho State University, 2017
-BS in Civil Engineering, Univeristy of Asia Pacific, Bangladesh, 2013

Shafayet Ahmed is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil and Construction Engineering at Western Michigan University (WMU). Before joining WMU, he worked as a lecturer at the University of Maryland Eastern Shore campus. His research focus is on sustainable and environmentally friendly construction materials, construction air pollution, and decision support systems related to construction project management. He has extensive research experience on mass timber building materials and their implications in the US construction industry.

Student Researcher

MD Tauhidul Karim

-Graduate Research Assistant (GRA), Western Michigan University, Spring 2024 to Present.
-MS in Civil Engineering, Western Michigan University, Spring 2024 to Present.
-BS in Civil Engineering, University of Asia Pacific, Bangladesh, 2016.

Tauhidul Karim is currently pursuing an MS degree in the Department of Civil and Construction Engineering at Western Michigan University (WMU). Prior to starting his graduate journey at WMU, Tauhidul was a lecturer at the European University of Bangladesh (EUB). His academic pursuits and research passions lie in the areas of sustainable construction management, construction materials, recycled materials, and pollution prevention (air, water, and soil quality). With a specific focus on his ongoing graduate studies, Tauhidul is dedicated to exploring and advancing construction management practices for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) in the US construction industry.

Student Researcher

MD Nayeem Hoque

-MS in Civil Engineering, Western Michigan University, Fall 2023 to Present.
-BS in Civil Engineering, Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology, Bangladesh, 2022.

Nayeem Hoque is an MS student in Civil and Construction Engineering at Western Michigan University (WMU) and is deeply engaged with the Sustainable Construction & Decision-Making Lab. His research focuses on sustainable building materials, effective project management, and informed decision-making processes. His efforts are in line with the lab's mission to develop decision-making frameworks for selecting optimal building materials in the early stages of construction projects within the U.S. construction industry.